Ge Gen Tang Wan


SKU: Q-27 Category:



Ge Gen (radix puerariae)
Gui Zhi (ramulus cinnamomi)
Shao Yao (radix paeoniae alba)
Gan Cao (radix glycyrrhizae)
Sheng Jiang (rhizoma zingiberis recens)
Da Zao (fructus jujubae)
Qiang Huo (rhizoma et radix notoperygii)
Du Huo (radix angelicae pubescentis)
Chuan Xiong (rhizoma chuanxiong)
Chai Hu (radix bupleuri)

Dosage: 3-5 pills three times a day

Qty: 200 pills/bottle, 12 bottles/box Shelf life: 5 years

Additional information

Weight 1.65 lbs


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